Jupl Cloud
The Jupl Cloud is the engine behind the Jupl Platform. Hosted on Amazon Web Services, the Jupl Cloud offers a level of robustness, security and scalability suitable for enterprise safety and assurance solutions.
Jupl offer a number of ‘out of the box’ solutions but the Jupl API is also available for bespoke, third party solutions. For more information,
click here.
Device Management
Manage all devices for the people you care for through the live and intuitive admin portal.

Customisable Configurations
Set your own parameters for devices and permissions for your customers or the people you are caring for.

24/7 Monitoring
Call centre monitoring for nominated alerts can be provided by a number of our call centre partners.

Location Services
Real-time tracking of the people you care for to ensure they are where they need to be and not in harms way.

Set safe and exclusion zones with automatic notifications on entry and exit from those zones.

Stay connected to those you care for with individual and team messaging. Smart, customisable escalation and notification options.

Schedule assurance prompts when someone has checked in or out of a known location or job.

Report Generation
All events, both manual and automatic are instantly logged into the system allowing for simple incident reports or providing audit trails.

Multi-Layer Permission
Tiered permission layers for fleet management and escalations. Allows for multi team or customer management.
Ensure your people are safe and where they need to be

Admin Portal
The admin portal allows users to monitor, escalate and respond to all events across the entire fleet.
It provides an overview of the deployments as well as allowing the user to deep dive into a device to view its event history.
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